two countries. many kitchens. one table.

crispy and shiny loup de mer with Umbrian lentils

July 21st, 2011

crispy and shiny loup de mer with Umbrian lentils by Chef Morgan

crispy and shiny loup de mer with Umbrian lentils

serves 4-6 

what you need:


4 fillet of loup de mer (or rouget), skin and scales on
kosher salt, as needed
freshly ground pepper, as needed
olive oil, as needed

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venez avec moi dans le 7ème

July 20th, 2011

vous êtes ici
(you are here):
an overview 

The seventh arrondissement is located in central Paris on the rive gauche (the left bank which is the left side of the Seine). It is often referred to as the “Invalides” arrondissement which makes sense because place des Invalides and l Hôtel des Invalides with the Musée de l’Armée (further explained below) is at the center of this arrondissement. Read the rest of this entry »


venez avec moi à Rungis marché international

July 20th, 2011

venez avec moi
à Rungis marché international

 Rungis (pronounced “run gee”) is the world’s largest fresh food market.  It is an enormous operation and the seemingly effortless and efficient  in and out of fresh, quality food product – be it cherries from France or salmon from Scotland – is beyond comprehension. So what is the world’s largest fresh food market is like? Venez avec moi à Rungis (come with me to Rungis) and I will show you (be warned: there are pictures that may not be suitable for young eyes).



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marinated cherries with blueberry sorbet and cherry brandy whipped creme

July 14th, 2011


marinated cherries with blueberry sorbet and cherry brandy whipped cream

bonne Fête Nationale:
celebrating La Fête Nationale with the colors of summer fruit
(and a little eau-de-vie)

In France, July 14 is La Fête Nationale or commonly known as Bastille Day.  It is a national celebration, much like our July 4th, with military demonstrations, concerts, fireworks, and food.  Using the colors of the French flag as our inspiration, this week our simple pleasureis the celebration of Bastille Day with a summer dessert: eau de-vie marinated cherries with blueberry sorbet and cherry brandy whipped cream. Bonne Fête Nationale !

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green vegetable vichyssoise

July 7th, 2011

bathing suit ready: a vichyssoise to dive into

“Soup is good food.” Hot soup warms you in the winter and chilled soup refreshes you in the summer. I often devote entire classes to soup-making and the classes are always full. Vichyssoise is cold potato and leek soup thickened with heavy whipping cream and garnished with fresh chives. It is a classic. However, when the temperature is in the 90’s (Fahrenheit), starchy potatoes ladened with cream sounds neither light nor refreshing. So I updated this classic: I kept it cold but made it vegetarian and turned it green and this green vegetable vichyssoise, light in texture and calories, is this week’s simple pleasure.

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boulettes de chèvre et raisins secs et groseilles (goat cheese balls with raisins and currants)

July 1st, 2011

a “palette” pleasing appetizer and adieu to an artist

I was in France last week when I heard the news that Peter Falk had passed. I thought of the first time I met him. It was nearly twenty years ago at his home.  I was scurrying around trying to be helpful and when I turned around, there stood Mr. Falk. I did not recognize him and so I asked him in my most matter-of-fact, grown-up tone, “may I help you?” He smiled at me with that “Columbo” smile and I realized as soon as the clumsy words spilled from my mouth who he was and I felt a little foolish. Peter Falk was charming and kind. He was an incredibly talented actor and artist. I thought of him in his art studio, surrounded by his female sketches. I thought of an artist’s “palette ” and everyone’s “palate and it is the combination of the two which is the inspiration for this week’s simple pleasure: boulettes de chèvre et raisins secs et groseilles (goat cheese balls with raisins and currants). The artist palette serving tray is optional.

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roasted and stuffed summer cherry tomatoes (à la bourguignonne)

June 24th, 2011


chef Morgan summer cherry tomatoes (à la bourguignonne)

summer cherry tomatoes (à la bourguignonne)

Cooking inspiration can come from anything and sometimes it comes from really nothing at all. Today it was my poêlon à escargots, a ceramic dish with twelve individual holes in which to cook the escargots. The dish works nicely because the individual holes roast each escargot in a bath of seasoned butter. However, I wanted to take advantage of the summer cherry tomatoes that are filling the markets so I decided to roast my tomatoes in my poêlon à escargotsas if they were escargots. The result: delicious so I thought I would share the recipe with you.  This week’s simple pleasure is summer cherry tomatoes “àla bourguignonne” (with a twist, of course).


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bonne fête papa

June 19th, 2011

The recipe is simple: there is no subsitute for a father’s time and love. To all of those fathers who share both, I wish you a very happy Father’s Day (joyeuse fête des pères).

avec amour,



a picture

is worth

a thousands words


beignets de fleurs de courgettes (fried zucchini blossoms)

June 15th, 2011

fleurs de courgettes
(zucchini blossoms)


I often hear from people in my classes that they see zucchini blossoms (fleurs de courgettes) at the farmer’s market and would like to buy them but do not know what to do with them. This week’s simple pleasure, beignets de fleurs de courgettes(fried zucchini blossoms) will solve that dilemma. Read the rest of this entry »


a kir or a kir royal: that is the question

June 9th, 2011

a Kir or a Kir royal: that is the question

End of the school year burn out. Everyone has it. Now that the children are out of school and camp plans have been made, it is time to take a moment and relax: summer is here. Enjoying an evening apéritif with friends and family is a nice way to do just that. While there are an array of fresh new cocktails using mint, pomegranates and even cucumbers, one of my absolute favorite apéritifs is a Kir or a Kir royal. This standby classic is one I often suggest to my clients and it is always a crowd pleaser. Read the rest of this entry »