There are over 40,000 restaurants in Paris. Yet, with all of these choices, do you want to know where the chefs dine? Chefs dine at Drouant, one of Chef Antoine Westermann’s newest restaurants settled in a quiet section of the 2ème arrondissement. So, venez avec moi Chez Drouant (come with me to Drouant) and find out why.
Drouant: where chefs dine

joking around with Chef Michel Richard at Drouant
Parisian chefs. International chefs. Drouant is where they go. I know because I was there and I saw them gathering and dining. I shared time with some of them. Why Drouant? What is it about this restaurant that chefs migrate to and the Goncourt Academy calls its own? It is simple. Owner, Michelin-starred Chef Antoine Westermann and Director Chef Antony Clémot have combined the quality and elegance you would expect from a restaurant of this caliber with the devotion and love you could only expect from your own grandmother (your culinary-trained, Michelin-starred grandmother).
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