salmon with sorrel sauce (saumon à l’oiselle)

March 2nd, 2015

chef lisa baker morgan

garden invasion and my favorite cold weather herb

salmon with sorrel sauce

(saumon à l’oiselle)

It was me or them. I am speaking in terms of food terms, of course, not violence.

You see, there are a few things remaining in my winter vegetable and herb garden that not only have survived in the cold, but have thrived. Dark green, crinkly Tuscan kale, yellow and rainbow chard so beautiful that it is (almost) too gorgeous to eat, frisée to add some green to my breakfast, and wild arugula with the perfect amount of peppery spice to zip up any dish. My Italian parsley, chives, and cilantro, are struggling, but holding on. Read the rest of this entry »

pan-seared salmon circles (tournedos de saumon)

February 26th, 2013



pan-seared salmon circles (tournedos de saumon)   with avocado

turning dinner around one steak at a time

pan-seared salmon circles
(tournedos de saumon)



Taking the same old and making it new is the inspiration for this week’s simple pleasure: pan-seared salmon circles (tournedos de saumon). Read the rest of this entry »

what to do with all of those Easter eggs: asparagus à la flamande

April 28th, 2011

what to do with all of those Easter eggs:
asparagus à la flamande
(à ma façon)

Spring brings an abundance of delicious asparagus (white, green and purple) and Easter leaves us with an abundance of hard-boiled eggs.  This dish is a way to use both.  You can serve it as a sidedish or add a pan-seared salmon filet and make it a meal.  Either way it is delicious and that is the reason asparagus à la flamande is this week’s simple pleasure. Read the rest of this entry »